Making The Most Of Home Cleaning Services

What You Should Know About Deep Office Cleaning

Most companies do well to schedule regular office cleaning but make the mistake of neglecting deep cleaning. The benefits are numerous, from ensuring that those often-neglected dirt spots are taken care of to improving your indoor air quality.

Deep Office Cleaning Tasks

Your commercial cleaning company will carry out the following, among other cleaning tasks during a deep cleaning:

How Long Does It Take?

The list of cleaning tasks involved in deep office cleaning highlighted, is by no means, exhaustive, but it is easy to see that this type of commercial cleaning service will certainly take more time than your regular office cleaning.  

How long it will take for the cleaning team to complete the job will depend on the specific cleaning tasks you request, and, of course, the number, skill and experience of the commercial cleaning crew.

Preparing For A Deep Clean

Because deep office cleaning is more comprehensive and takes longer, you may need to pick a different time to have the cleaning crew do their job. If your regular cleaning is scheduled for the early morning before working hours, this may not be such a great time since the office cleaning team may not be done by the time your workers start getting into the office. The evenings are a better time.

You may also want to have employees clear their desks just before the scheduled time for the deep office cleaning. It will make the job easier on the cleaners when they wipe down the desks.

How Often?

How often you should schedule deep office cleaning will depend on several factors, including the amount of foot traffic and the time of year. An office with little foot traffic can get away with scheduling a deep cleaning every month. Similarly, you may need to schedule deep office cleaning every couple of weeks during the rainy season when muddy foot traffic demands a more thorough clean.

Your commercial cleaning company can develop a deep office cleaning plan suited to your needs. The plan will highlight the cleaning tasks to be done, the frequency of cleaning and how to best prepare for the deep cleaning.

For more information, contact an office cleaning service.